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Energy and direction to move your brand.

Movement requires energy and direction: a higher purpose. With a focus on branding, design and engagement, we bring that energy and direction to life. Driven by strategy, empowered by creativity.

We promise that our end products will never be finished. Instead, we will deliver experiments – experiments that we will test and try, measure and check, adapt and adjust, then test and try again.

All these data-driven iterations may sound geeky and boring, but we think they’re exciting. Information fuels our curiosity, allowing us to monitor and maneuver until we know we are headed in just the right direction.

Our curiosity stretches over a variety of disciplines. We bundled them into three major ingredients: branding, design and engaging - and love to bring them alive with strategy, creativity and communication to make your brand appealing and heard.





brand strategy
brand story

brand research

business creativity

brand impact scan

design strategy

verbal identity & visual identity

digital design & development

motion design

a(i)ssets & toolkit

creative strategy

campaigning & content

brand activation

360° brand experience

social design & pr impact

follow your curiosity, see the impact of the projects below or via this linkplease contact us for full details on branding, design and engagement.

anp + anwb + circo + circonnect + circulartube + cliniclowns + clm + diabetes foundation + goodberries + goodup + greenchoice + gro-up + hogeschool inholland + ikea + justdiggit + noordelijk innovatielab circulaire economie + ns + onderwijsgeschillen + ov-chipkaart + rabobank + recharge360 + terre des hommes + tubefinder + veiligheidnl + voedingscentrum

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